Article: 5 Easy Wellness Tips For Spring
5 Easy Wellness Tips For Spring
The warm spring sunlight is beginning to return to the Rockies and we are coming out of our winter hibernations. Soon, we'll be out and about doing a few of our favorite things in the warm mountain air. Wouldn't it be a great idea to get a head start on our wellness efforts to recharge our bodies, minds, and spirits? Yeah, I think so too!
1. Hydrate your body.
Water does more than to keep our bodies hydrated. It helps to removes toxins, carries nutrients, and helps the skin regulate the body's temperature through sweating. Want a healthy glow to your skin? Drink more water. Feeling a slight headache? Drink more water. Health experts say we should aim to drink at least 64 ounces (about 2 liters) of water per day. Water is more than essential to all life. It is life.
2. Go to the Doctor.
Or Practitioner or Shaman, or whoever it is you trust with helping to make your health decisions. It's important to make those appointments to check in or check out that one issue you seem to keep putting off. Schedule those tests, take that survey, adhere to that new health plan because you need it. Take the time to get your needs take care of. You deserve to be the healthiest you possible!
3. Get outside and take a friend!
Outside. Remember that? The warmth of the Sun on your skin, a sweet breeze gently rustling your hair, the smells, the sounds... oh, yeah.Well, make the decision to go outdoors and stay out for at least 30 minutes. Take a friend while your at it. Either man's best or your own. Enjoying the outdoors can lift your spirits, cleanse your mind, and even does a body good. Go on. Walk, skip, run, or check on a neighbor. Whatever it takes to get your body out there, do it. If being in a group is more your thing, check out the many walking groups available in your area. Google is your friend, utilize Her. If there isn't one in your area, organize one. You're human which means you're resourceful.
4. Eat well not just better.
Along with the newness of spring comes the many tastes. Asparagus, onions, spinach, pineapple, peas, apricots, honeydew, mangoes, limes, broccoli, carrots, radicchio, etc. So much goodness to be had and you can mix and match as you see fit. Choose healthier options as you can and you will feel the difference in your health. Limit your sugar intake. Reads the labels. You'll be surprised what you're taking in.Take a multivitamin.If you're blessed with extra melanin, take more Vitamin D. Remember: your health is your wealth.
5. Get some sleep.
Sleep is important for good health. We know we should aim for at least 7 hours per day. However, I know some people, one of my professors for instance, who can survive on less. My professor slept less than 4 hours per day, loved to bake and feed the class, and was as chipper as a chipmunk.I often wondered if she ever plopped out when she finally got tired.Simply sleeping isn't helpful if it isn't restful sleep.Restful sleep relaxes and recharges your body and mind.You're able to think clearly and focus better. I find I get better rest when I clear clutter out of my bedroom and when I've had a nice, long shower. Find what works for you and build a restful sleep routine around it. Take note of the difference in your health.
Spring is right around the corner. What's your favorite thing about spring?
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